
Stable Dev Build Status Coverage

PseudoPotentialIO aims to provide parsers for common pseudopotential file formats used by density functional theory codes and an interface for accesssing the quantities that they contain.

The following file formats are supported or have planned (or no planned) support. If your favorite format does not appear in the table below, please file an issue!

UPF (old)NormConserving, Ultrasoft
UPF (v2.0.1 with schema)NormConserving, Ultrasoft
PSP1Not planned
PSP4/TeterNot planned
PSP5/"Phoney"Not planned
PSP6/FHI98PPNot planned
PSP7/ABINIT PAWNot planned
FPMD XMLNot planned
Vanderbilt USPPPlanned

Pseudopotentials are read into [Format]File structs which mirror very closely the contents of the file. However, different file formats provide important physical quantities in slightly different forms. For a more consistent interface to the physical quantities with consitent units, meanings, and dimensions, *File structs can be converted to *Psp pseudopotential structs.

The following type tree for representing different types of pseudopotentials is implemented

--- NumericPsP (pseudopotentials on grids)
|   |
|   --- NormConservingPsP (UPF, PSP8)
|   |
|   --- UltrasoftPsP (UPF)
|   |
|   --- [Placeholder] ProjectorAugmentedWavePsP (UPF)
--- AnalyticPsP (pseudopotentials with analytic forms)
    --- HghPsP (HGH)

Unsupported features:

  • Fully relativistic (spin-orbit coupling) pseudopotentials
  • Semilocal pseudopotentials

Supported features:

  • Non-linear core corrections
  • Multiprojector pseudopotentials
  • Linear and logarithmic meshes